
1111_County 911_

17-05-32: (User: 4614195) fallout by Cynthia
17-05-36: (User: 1130) That is all now, quick.
17-05-49: (User: 4614195) I’m going to go right at 1.6 and Northway. I’m going to have that vehicle in my site. Go right forward.
17-05-58: (User: 1130) So, library of Sprite X� Jersey-912.
17-06-00: (User: 4614195) funky
17-06-03: (User: 1130) store it.
17-06-29: (User: 4614195) I’m not sure about that. I’m not sure about that. I’m not sure about that.
17-06-33: (User: 1130) And I can do so.
17-06-54: (User: 788236) Treaty Free Rivers
17-06-58: (User: 1130) That is your new 3.6.
17-07-05: (User: 788236) Clear from that accident, always a trailer back open.
17-07-08: (User: 1130) have you clear everything yourself?
17-07-16: (User: 4614195) Indiana that goes out to
17-07-22: (User: 1130) Reinc Vegan Organization Live
17-08-15: (User: 4614196) It’s all nice and tell me what to do.
17-08-22: (User: 1130) Happy nights if you’re off at 10th of the week.
17-08-38: (User: 788298) nightmare
17-08-41: (User: 1130) Tell me 3D then.
17-08-45: (User: 788298) Please from my ask back at Service 26.
17-08-48: (User: 1130) See you back.
17-11-58: (User: 1130) 10.8-0 unit, but it’s kind of all the chicken that I want to hang up. I want to only hold the bush on that. So, flooding in the area is 7.80 moltav in the state.
17-12-02: (User: 4614180) 419 SHAR Figure
17-12-07: (User: 788298) sided root 67 subtle
17-12-24: (User: 1130) 8-0, I believe we’re going to be closer to the internet. Only we’ll get back to the tonight, we’re only falling, walking area, 778, all traffic attention.
17-12-27: (User: 4614180) What one is that?
17-12-32: (User: 1130) Thank you for…
17-13-09: (User: 1130) 24, 5, 4, 4 and 7, 6, 4, 5, 4, 4 and 7, 6, 5, 4, 4 and 6, 5, 4 and 6, 5 and 6, 5 and 6.
17-14-30: (User: 4614180) Or, we need to go county up here.
17-14-38: (User: 1130) It’s a really area 1714, no further on it.
17-16-39: (User: 4614156) pause
17-16-45: (User: 1130) 5-6 your out at 17-16.
17-18-22: (User: 4614180) Hole in A0 County to be clear check area, when founded.
17-18-27: (User: 1130) a portrait area back in 17.
17-24-30: (User: 4614196) For a life Shut Though
17-24-34: (User: 1130) hallelujahings have
17-24-39: (User: 4614196) Yeah, so that’s why I saw the party. You can show both of those quick.
17-24-43: (User: 1130) bothaign Scholar and Chapter entitled
17-32-35: (User: 1130) Izrius, because it’s important for businessGen launch the RS-39 Lucas Clarks channel Common crunch. Wrapped the cart,ock to Amy HP
17-32-38: (User: 4614157) 1-5-7 or 2-9-9-9-9-9.
17-32-55: (User: 1130) By seven it’s a alarmy carpet one no key older at this point put the activation the work department
17-33-11: (User: 4614157) undermine
17-34-07: (User: 1130) Penny is a real little town of Edinburgh from Porto, Iraq, and 74 North of the road in a 4.4 container. Full report in the mail and the Black Sea is full. Some sort of road rate instance led up to the mail and have people threatening to shoot the caller.
17-34-15: (User: 4614134) 1, 3, 4, and I can’t actually load your print.
17-34-25: (User: 4614122) for one to two military corps.
17-34-53: (User: 1130) You’re gonna try to add in-verb. So many coordinate world calls out the four-point designer state-to-mail left in a flat vehicle after threatening to shoot him. Please, there’s been some path interaction between the same subject over a road region, state-to-path, closed mail.
17-34-58: (User: 4614134) one before
17-35-04: (User: 4614122) dramatically Gravy settings
17-35-15: (User: 1130) in the 1735. We’re still obtaining for the other college standing by before the designer and I’ll blue truck.
17-35-24: (User: 4614134) That’d be good one today, not like Catthroughhair.
17-36-04: (User: 4631116) for infection.
17-36-24: (User: 1130) 5-6-year-on, 9-1-1, you copy 9-6 back to the list.
17-39-49: (User: 4614157) Alright, so we can’t have you out.
17-39-57: (User: 1130) 5.7 yeah it’s 17.39
17-41-43: (User: 4614157) Moreweight 7 farm
17-41-47: (User: 1130) Thank you for having me.
17-41-53: (User: 4614157) For the key holder, a43 computer, a44 computer, expert leapt.
17-42-01: (User: 1130) as a firm negative deal with your clear 17.1.
17-45-02: (User: 1130) any 2d, 2 0, 4, and 2 7.
17-45-07: (User: 4614127) Always better.
17-45-12: (User: 1130) Just check your search. You still have a clue.
17-45-19: (User: 4614127) I’m clearly asking you the error.
17-45-25: (User: 1130) Every hour becomes a challenge for you. About it?mom? Please keep quiet and safe with me again. You don’t have to do it without tools? Oh, take it thing again. Last morning, we courses in the session.

1112_Sheriff 1_

17-15-10: (User: 4614195) If you can actually bring your PPT over here, PPT over here.
17-16-16: (User: 4614178) 1imetains.
17-16-20: (User: 1129) Cheers, you guys, for all I’m serving.
17-16-28: (User: 4614178) clear out the point of the case in that statement and we’ll be in route to a 9.5 priority for just to add a second.
17-16-31: (User: 1129) It is amazing, thank you.
17-19-09: (User: 4614178) for one zoning care very
17-19-13: (User: 1129) so are the risks are valid laws
17-19-19: (User: 4614178) My apologies. Can you just do my case number for mine? Prior to a point.
17-20-05: (User: 1129) ‘ll be fine.
17-20-08: (User: 4614178) Love you.
17-20-13: (User: 1129) Your case number for that was 514.
17-20-19: (User: 4614178) and you probably have to call soon.
17-20-35: (User: 1129) You’re called for service with 6.5, 3.8.2.
17-20-40: (User: 4614178) All right.
17-20-43: (User: 1129) Terrible.
17-21-23: (User: 4614157) We’ll fight him, jerks, we
17-21-27: (User: 1129) Share, stretch, fall, or pass out.
17-21-31: (User: 4614157) I’ll be clear why I can do this tonight.
17-21-35: (User: 1129) Yea. fencing crime.
17-22-18: (User: 4614157) Alright, so I’m sure it’s a question.
17-22-24: (User: 1129) Cheers. careful and patient.
17-22-27: (User: 4614157) My apologies, tell me.
17-22-31: (User: 1129) This year, 1722.
17-25-01: (User: 4614178) Cardone, should be sure.
17-25-04: (User: 1129) Your watch as welcome.
17-25-07: (User: 4614178) tlorn adolescence
17-25-10: (User: 1129) 1725.
17-28-33: (User: 4631060) All in 78 shares this question.
17-28-38: (User: 1129) dentist to fetch rolling 70.
17-28-44: (User: 4631060) All on 2.3 has 1.5 to the 1192. You can start on that available for that available.
17-28-49: (User: 1129) I appreciate one in close to me at 1720.
17-31-45: (User: 1129) Sure is special and
17-31-49: (User: 4631060) slow and stamina
17-31-53: (User: 1129) Who’s here, sweetie, your child? By the way.
17-32-03: (User: 4631060) A 9.5 advise you get to be staying with for this all. Two three, get that mail in order if that from station will be following. We’ll be following for 9.5.
17-32-06: (User: 1129) You sure? I’m being very chill.
17-32-45: (User: 4614016) for a rewarding reporting weather.
17-32-49: (User: 1129) here’s human fashion format work
17-32-54: (User: 4614016) There are a case you can send us to any six reasons.
17-32-58: (User: 1129) Here, I am very sure.
17-33-15: (User: 4614123) I want you to reach your assistance.
17-33-19: (User: 1129) Share number three,
17-33-23: (User: 4614123) Candial dietary support, through the up
17-33-26: (User: 1129) 1733.
17-35-58: (User: 4614196) Right.
17-36-09: (User: 4614196) Get back to the village until four inches too clear.
17-36-30: (User: 4631116) Thank you, everybody.
17-36-33: (User: 1130) Phil, the village transport.
17-36-36: (User: UNK) Have it.
17-36-45: (User: 1130) Have a deep deep.
17-40-18: (User: 4614123) Oh, a few little Build
17-40-23: (User: 1129) Here’s the special one, too.
17-40-26: (User: 4614123) For the Over
17-40-28: (User: 1129) 1740.
17-43-34: (User: 4614129) 4, 2, 3, 2, 8, 3!
17-43-37: (User: 1129) MARKS a SHOLLENDake
17-43-40: (User: 4614129) I will be clear.
17-43-44: (User: 1129) 17.
17-43-49: (User: 4614176) All on vital enough to provide carbon dioxide for our mission for continuing up-to-date to help when we’re not access warming to those that will be seen through the what we also will is placement on the visual flow on just one of these examples of air that we need to be asked outside of the video, which is committed to the
17-43-53: (User: 1129) Go on 7.6.
17-44-00: (User: 4614176) 4-1-5-4’s here in this salsa. I’ll be around some head behind the contour.
17-44-04: (User: 1129) 120 metricpen
17-46-37: (User: 4614176) Let me
17-46-41: (User: 1129) share your therapy all the same time.
17-46-43: (User: 4614176) selfies
17-46-46: (User: 1129) 17- denied
17-55-41: (User: 4631112) Multiple when nine four verses, BTC.
17-55-45: (User: 1129) OE Anarchy Power 9 4 as Judge
17-56-00: (User: 4631077) Hiyah error
17-56-08: (User: 4631077) hindered
17-56-11: (User: 1129) Here’s the special one to track.
17-56-17: (User: 4631077) That might call for service, case, time of call and time of cost.
17-56-38: (User: 1129) The case number is 5142. All for service 65, 386. Have a call 1659.
17-56-47: (User: 4631102) Thank you.
17-56-50: (User: 1129) So I’m going to take care.
17-59-55: (User: 4614154) 5 4 shares as well.
17-59-58: (User: 1129) tin mentioned well
18-00-03: (User: 4614154) We clear as just did. You can send me to the road again.
18-00-09: (User: 1129) 18 under.

1113_Sheriff 2_

111_Fire 1 _

17-42-54: (User: 750390) We’ll see you guys for a com.
17-42-57: (User: 1121) Alright, off car 39.
17-43-01: (User: 750390) There’s probably 12 out of 4 states.
17-43-04: (User: 1121) kataket bey boy
17-44-47: (User: 753990) Letter Comcars 39.
17-44-48: (User: 1132) Sorry, come!
17-44-52: (User: 753990) I’ll be around talking, part.
17-44-54: (User: 1132) 17.4.
17-45-03: (User: 753920) We’ll see you next week.
17-45-06: (User: 1132) Marko
17-45-09: (User: 753920) Okay, bye.
17-45-12: (User: 1132) 7 teacher
17-46-46: (User: 750390) We are done for our count.
17-46-49: (User: 1132) fire pcoff
17-46-52: (User: UNK) I forgot, she ran through her riding.
17-46-55: (User: 1132) 3-9-3-9-2-3-4-6.
17-47-44: (User: 753990) subscribe and elevator and information on the
17-47-46: (User: 1132) comfortable
17-47-48: (User: 753990) girl
17-47-50: (User: 1132) 70%
17-59-20: (User: 750390) sorry guysbecause
17-59-22: (User: 1132) Far count 39.
17-59-25: (User: 750390) no
17-59-29: (User: 1132) Like 12152571 expenditure worked very well.

112_Fire 2 _





17-41-17: (User: 715134) These are not command posts.
17-41-20: (User: 715122) vacuum
17-41-38: (User: 715134) So check was advised, stress pass from getting bottom hotel, and not be entering again, so check will be in the parking lot awaiting a hotel. We show on the end of the split.
17-41-42: (User: 715122) Tell me where you are.
17-45-09: (User: 715134) Okay, Tuesdayorable Nallioach Andreas flows.
17-45-12: (User: 715122) You’re right.
17-45-19: (User: 715134) You show myself in 327 out on a primer check.
17-45-23: (User: 715122) Feel free, guys.
17-48-04: (User: 715134) .'”
17-49-50: (User: 780576) Ya’ll unlock that €1,500 countering
17-51-13: (User: 723851) 3-2-5 members.
17-51-16: (User: 715122) For Yuga!
17-51-26: (User: 723851) Just tell me to enter a rumor check from sundial with rule 7.
17-51-30: (User: 715122) Thank you.
















1711_Saratoga MRD_

17-40-36: (User: 1130) See you later, and again, we’ll put 3-4-1 for 2-4-4-6.
17-40-38: (User: 713441) AWAY!
17-40-41: (User: 713447) Perfect.
17-40-43: (User: UNK) Oh
17-40-48: (User: 1130) Just that’s me telling us the number 12 dad and four state, Justin hunting.
17-40-52: (User: 713447) where’s the color?
17-40-57: (User: 1130) For 16 points.
17-43-55: (User: UNK) 4-3-4-2-3 learned.
17-43-57: (User: 1130) let me jump to our.
17-44-03: (User: UNK) You can tell me, you can talk.
17-44-12: (User: 1130) You want to say 7.9 goodbye.
17-58-10: (User: 1130) Eleven four three four four four three four one
17-58-13: (User: UNK) Hello?
17-58-17: (User: 1130) I’ll be in a row before walking the situation. Take a report.
17-58-19: (User: 713447) Four seconds later.
17-58-23: (User: 1130) campen
17-58-26: (User: UNK) four, three, four, three, eleven.
17-58-29: (User: 1130) that you feel it.
17-58-33: (User: UNK) You can show you next player.
17-58-35: (User: 1130) Thank you for this.
18-00-10: (User: 713447) 4, 3, 4, 6, 3, 1.
18-00-15: (User: 1130) here let’s go
18-00-19: (User: 713447) I’ll be out soon.
18-00-22: (User: 1130) Thank you.

2111_EMS 1_

17-46-25: (User: 731958) he doesn’t want to hide
17-46-27: (User: 1121) Thank you. Bye.
17-46-31: (User: 731958) 200pp dying children
17-46-33: (User: 1121) For riding ten feet forty six…
17-49-45: (User: 743855)
17-50-24: (User: 743883) icular
17-51-13: (User: 743883) That’s pretty good you guys.
17-51-16: (User: 1121) Thank you for letting me know.
17-51-19: (User: 743883) Party, it’s over.
17-51-24: (User: 1121) Rob Th ballet Córzá Tergota claws
17-53-14: (User: 735853) Give us five, five, three.
17-53-17: (User: 1121) Can I finally, talk?
17-53-21: (User: 735853) moving around todimensional…
17-53-25: (User: 1121) We’re also going to follow up. You did big.
17-59-33: (User: 731354) Between yourself and subscribe everyone for more news.
17-59-35: (User: 1121) Thank you item.
17-59-40: (User: 731354) 13 Ryps air to the Shuttle.
17-59-43: (User: 1121) Just now, you can live there all day before the quiet unmarked stairs are open. R
17-59-49: (User: 732352) This is batch from 2352.
17-59-52: (User: 1121) You guys Face 2!
17-59-57: (User: 732352) We’re new to circle the hospital.
17-59-59: (User: 1121) Oh. Yeah.

2112_EMS 2_


212_C_O Team_


2511_County to Hosp_



3120_Cftn Prk Sewer_

3211_Fire Police_

3214_TAC-24 Inter_

3311_Cftn Prk Sec 1_

3411_Highway 1_

3412_Highway 2_

3413_Highway 3_

3414_Highway 4_

3415_Highway 5_

3911_Mcville PD_


4156_PSAP 56_

4190_Fulton I_O_

4191_Washington I_O_

4910_NPS Ranger_

511_FireEMS Disp_


5611_S Springs PD_

5612_SSPD 2_

5631_SSPD Events_

5652_SSprings DPW2_


17-59-11: (User: 750390) Come on up.

6056_StogaSpr FD_

17-57-22: (User: 765687) Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
17-57-26: (User: 2004) sorry I missed.
17-57-28: (User: 765687) mp4
17-57-32: (User: 2004) Office Class 1757.



6411_Waterford PD C-C_

17-57-02: (User: 723908)
17-59-17: (User: 723908)
17-59-18: (User: UNK) You



8311_NYS Park PD_

Old Versions

P_111 [1112, 4191]_Fire 1 _,_Sheriff 1_,_Washington I_O_

P_111 [112]_Fire 1 _,_Fire 2 _

P_111 [113]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-3_

P_111 [114]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-4_

P_111 [115]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-5_

P_111 [116]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-6_

P_111 [117]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-7_

P_111 [118]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-8_

P_111 [125]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-50_

P_111 [4191, 1112]_Fire 1 _,_Washington I_O_,_Sheriff 1_

P_111 [4191]_Fire 1 _,_Washington I_O_

P_111 [6039]_Fire 1 _,_MechancvleFD_

P_1111 [1711]_County 911_,_Saratoga MRD_

P_1112 [111]_Sheriff 1_,_Fire 1 _

P_1112 [1135, 1136, 1137, 111]_Sheriff 1_,_TAC-15_,_TAC-16_,_TAC-17_,_Fire 1 _

P_1112 [1135]_Sheriff 1_,_TAC-15_

P_1112 [1136, 3214]_Sheriff 1_,_TAC-16_,_TAC-24 Inter_

P_1112 [1136]_Sheriff 1_,_TAC-16_

P_1112 [1137]_Sheriff 1_,_TAC-17_

P_1112 [4191, 111]_Sheriff 1_,_Washington I_O_,_Fire 1 _

P_1112_Sheriff 1_

P_1113 [1112]_Sheriff 2_,_Sheriff 1_

P_1113 [111]_Sheriff 2_,_Fire 1 _

P_111_Fire 1 _

P_112 [111]_Fire 2 _,_Fire 1 _

P_112_Fire 2 _







P_1711 [1111, 1112]_Saratoga MRD_,_County 911_,_Sheriff 1_

P_1711 [1111, 2111, 111]_Saratoga MRD_,_County 911_,_EMS 1_,_Fire 1 _

P_1711 [1112, 1111]_Saratoga MRD_,_Sheriff 1_,_County 911_

P_1711_Saratoga MRD_

P_2111 [1112]_EMS 1_,_Sheriff 1_

P_2112 [111, 112, 6056]_EMS 2_,_Fire 1 _,_Fire 2 _,_StogaSpr FD_

P_2112 [111, 112]_EMS 2_,_Fire 1 _,_Fire 2 _

P_2112 [111, 6056, 117]_EMS 2_,_Fire 1 _,_StogaSpr FD_,_TAC-7_

P_2112 [112, 111]_EMS 2_,_Fire 2 _,_Fire 1 _

P_2112 [114]_EMS 2_,_TAC-4_

P_4111 [1112]_C-TAC_,_Sheriff 1_

P_4156 [111]_PSAP 56_,_Fire 1 _

P_4156 [112, 117]_PSAP 56_,_Fire 2 _,_TAC-7_

P_4156 [6056]_PSAP 56_,_StogaSpr FD_

P_4156_PSAP 56_

P_4190 [111]_Fulton I_O_,_Fire 1 _

P_4191_Washington I_O_

P_5611 [6056]_S Springs PD_,_StogaSpr FD_

P_5611_S Springs PD_

P_6056 [124]_StogaSpr FD_,_TAC-40_

P_6056 [129]_StogaSpr FD_,_TAC-90_

P_6056 [5611]_StogaSpr FD_,_S Springs PD_

P_6056_StogaSpr FD_